05 Aug Swabian Alb
Discover and experience exciting geological history first hand
The Swabian Alb’s past is by no means merely the region’s history, it is also an example of mid-European human history. Ice-Age art – such as that of the figure of the lion man carved from mammoth ivory, the Limes Museum in Aachen, the Staufer Cities or Hohenzollern Castle – the family seat of the royal house and the former ruling Prussian royal and German imperial house of the Hohenzollern. Go on a journey of discovery in the historical sites and delve into their eventful and fascinating history. The uniquely beautiful landscape of the Swabian Alb biosphere area inspired Eduard Mörike in his inimitable poems to nature. Culture, nature and cuisine are the triad on the Swabian Alb. The famous Maultaschen stuffed pasta, Alpine lamb, delicious cheese and the rediscovered Alpine lentils taste best with a regional beer. Life is good!